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5 Steps to Battling Burnout

5 Steps to Battling Burnout

David A. Shockley, PMP, MMin 22 articles October 18, 2023 Open Immersive Reader In our fast-paced world, the pressure is relentless, and the stakes are high. We're all leaders, whether we're parents trying to find balance, young adults struggling with financial...

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How To Be A Better Listener…

How To Be A Better Listener…

I recently realized that I do a lot of talking. I like to talk, but talking means I'm not listening. So many things open up to our minds, body, and spirit through the power of listening.  What I Should Be Listening To The word of God- not just reading scripture, but...

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You Must Connect Prayer With Evangelism…

You Must Connect Prayer With Evangelism…

Prayer for evangelism is about us using prayer as the first step in journeying with those we know who have not yet discovered the truth about Jesus Christ. Let's be asking the Lord to draw them to himself; to open their ears to understand the truth and to open their...

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When We Face Difficult Times, How Are We To Respond?…

When We Face Difficult Times, How Are We To Respond?…

The book of Genesis is the story of the creation of the world and everything in it. In Genesis 1-2, we read how God, in all of his wonder and glory, created the entire world and then created humankind. God created humans differently from the rest of creation. The...

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How to Overcome Frustration with Faith…

How to Overcome Frustration with Faith…

Frustration is a common emotion that we all experience at some point in our lives. Whether it's due to unmet expectations, obstacles in our path, or the feeling of being stuck, frustration can be overwhelming. However, as people of faith, we have the power to overcome...

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How To Apply God’s Word To Your Life…

How To Apply God’s Word To Your Life…

"How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Psalm 119:103. As the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all living things, God knows what’s best for living in his world. If we want to learn and be guided by his wisdom, we need to turn to...

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5 Reasons Why Sharing Our Burdens Is Important…

5 Reasons Why Sharing Our Burdens Is Important…

Sharing our burdens can be a hard task to do– but as Christians, it is important. Many of us would rather fight our battles alone than to ask others to help us get through the highs and lows. Whether it be because we don’t want to put the weight of our struggles on...

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Seven Simple Ways To Start Your Day With God…

Seven Simple Ways To Start Your Day With God…

When waking in the morning, it is easy to jump into your plans for the day and forget all about God. A great way to start each day is with a focus on God shortly after waking up. Another good time is later at night, but right now we are focusing on starting our day...

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Changes That Will Help You Have A Powerful Prayer Life…

Changes That Will Help You Have A Powerful Prayer Life…

Do you sometimes struggle with your prayer life? At times, I certainly have. As we listen to ourselves pray, we may hear ourselves praying like unbelievers. We may well find ourselves praying angry prayers, complaining prayers, bargaining prayers, and accusing...

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Helpful Tips And Reminders For All Christians…

Helpful Tips And Reminders For All Christians…

Becoming a Christ follower can be confusing. Here are nine tips to help prepare you for the journey... 1. Be A Baby In Christ It can be intimidating when you feel like everyone has all the answers. You cannot walk in and know as much as the people who have been there...

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Are You Leaving A Church For The Wrong Reason?…

Are You Leaving A Church For The Wrong Reason?…

Legitimate Reasons for Leaving a Church... The church abandons orthodoxy. The church becomes more about politics than Jesus. Transformation is absent. You live too far away. The church is homogenous and insular. But just remember in our consumer society, where...

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10 Simple Strategies For Prayer…

10 Simple Strategies For Prayer…

Praying is not easy for us. It comes easily for some of us but is a challenge for a lot of us. We tend to pray more when we are experiencing turmoil, not when life is going well. When we decide to try and fix this problem by taking on many prayers all at once we...

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When People Pray For Us, It Helps Us Heal…

When People Pray For Us, It Helps Us Heal…

There are times during our life where we will go through difficulties It might be illness, financial instability, emotional problems, or the death of a loved one. We need our friends and family to pray for us. Because we are God’s children, he will tend to our needs....

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How To Help Children Find Friends At Church…

How To Help Children Find Friends At Church…

Friendships are not automatic. Just because you attend a church doesn’t mean you’ll have friends. You’ll meet a lot of friendly people, but that’s not the same thing as making a friend. Nothing is wrong with the church…some people mistakenly think that just because...

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4 Ways To Help Those Hurting Among Us…

4 Ways To Help Those Hurting Among Us…

From the loss of loved ones to financial strains, to divorce decisions, to dealing with a wayward child, we carry the brokenness of hurting people, and it is imperative that we do so with grace, honor, and wisdom. This is a good bible verse to deal with loss... “The...

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How To Know If You Are Truly On a Journey With God…

How To Know If You Are Truly On a Journey With God…

As a Christian you are on a journey, but on your journey, you are not alone. In fact, the gathering of God’s people for worship is one of the most important parts of your journey with God. We need each other for the journey. You cannot be a growing Christian without...

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Never Give Up Praying For Your Loved One’s Salvation…

Never Give Up Praying For Your Loved One’s Salvation…

Pray that God would open their hearts to believe the Gospel. Pray that God would open their spiritual eyes and remove spiritual blindness so they can believe the Gospel. Pray that all deception (personal belief systems, philosophies, or logic that contradicts God's...

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Are There Biblical Reasons Why We Should Go To Church?…

Are There Biblical Reasons Why We Should Go To Church?…

Everyone Worships in a different way. Some like to raise their hands, others want to remain seated or on their knees. Some pray out loud, others to themselves. Some groove to the sound of drums, and others hum along to traditional songs. There is no right or wrong way...

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Sunday Worship – March 20, 2022

Sunday Worship – March 20, 2022

Come and worship with us every Sunday! Thank you for joining us. Jesus Love Temple is a lively church! We believe in exciting praise and sincere worship! We have activities for all ages. Serving the Lord is not boring at Jesus Love Temple! Contact Us (302-422-2110)...

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Leadership Training – April 14, 2022

Leadership Training – April 14, 2022

Join Our Team! Leadership Training@JLT. Thank you for joining us. Jesus Love Temple is a lively church! We believe in exciting praise and sincere worship! We have activities for all ages. Serving the Lord is not boring at Jesus Love Temple! Contact Us (302-422-2110)...

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