Prayer for evangelism is about us using prayer as the first step in journeying with those we know who have not yet discovered the truth about Jesus Christ. Let’s be asking the Lord to draw them to himself; to open their ears to understand the truth and to open their eyes to see the light of the gospel. A quote from Billy Graham says, “Prayer is crucial in evangelism. Only God can change the heart of someone who is in rebellion against Him. No matter how logical our argument or how fervent our appeals, our words will accomplish nothing unless God’s spirit prepared the way.” Following are several reasons why our outreach strategy must be grounded in prayer.

Evangelism Is Spiritual Warfare

Souls are worth the fight.· “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Eph. 6: 10) Evangelism is a spiritual battle, it is the urgent need of the hour. It is the heartbeat and the heart pain of God. The Lord Jesus repeatedly gave this commission to His disciples even to the last minute to take the gospel to every part of the world, making disciples and teaching them to observe all He taught them. We need prayer to evangelize: Lord, help me to speak the truth at all times as I go out to proclaim Your word. I praise You for Your truth. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. God of Unfailing Love, I pray that as I go out to evangelize the lost and to acquaint them with the truth, You would grant me the grace to speak that truth in love.

We Cannot In Our Own Power Change The Heart Of A Non-Believer

God only has the power to change a man’s heart. We can only bring them water, but it is up to the man to drink. The Lord can make the man thirsty so he will drink. I have no power to cause a man to want to drink. I must rely on the Lord for a man’s heart to change. We must pray that we can open blinded minds and plead with God to change those hears even as we obediently share the gospel.

Why Is Evangelism So Hard?

Most followers of Jesus are deeply fearful of engaging in sharing their faith. We can even be timid about walking with people toward the Savior, having spiritual conversations, and telling stories about our own relationship with Jesus. We are afraid of rejection. We worry we do not have the right answers. The great Apostle Paul had an evangelism problem. Evidently, it was serious enough that he asked the Ephesians to pray for him. He asked them to pray that he would be able to, “with boldness make known the mystery of the gospel.” Surely you and I do also. In Ephesians 6:18 we read the following words, “With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints” (HCSB). This is one of the Bible’s amazing verses on prayer. Prayer admits our inability to evangelize apart from the power of God.

Prayer Is A Confession Of Our Dependence On God

The person who wishes to be independent and self-sufficient will invariably have trouble praying because he has the wrong attitude toward God, and the wrong attitude concerning himself also. The disciples asked for guidance in praying. Jesus impressed upon them that to pray you need to know and acknowledge your dependence. You may be big men, strong men, healthy men, experts in your trade, but – says Jesus – you are and remain dependent on the Lord God for tomorrow’s breakfast. Says Jesus: unless God in heaven gives you your daily ration, you will hunger tomorrow, you’ll have nothing to eat. Prayer that accompanies evangelism is a cry that others will know God and a confession that we need Him to change their lives.

Pray For The Good Success Of The Gospel

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you (2 Thess. 3:1). Paul encouraged his readers to pray that as he presented the gospel, it would be accompanied by good success and would spread rapidly. Pray that the gospel has success in your community. If we truly meet with God in prayer, we will also want others to meet Him in prayer. Paul stressed prayer for “all men.” Nobody is excluded. As you talk to people about God, talk to God about men.

To be a Christian is not merely to live in love, to live by the power of positive thinking, or to do anything that we can do ourselves. The gospel calls for a more radical response than any of these things allow for. The gospel, you see, is not simply an additive that comes to make our already good lives better. No! The gospel is a message of wonderful, good news that comes to those who realize their just desperation before God.


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About Jesus Love Temple

Evangelismania – We are a lively church focused on spreading the Gospel message into the entire world! Evangelismania was a term given to Pastor Shockley by God. It is a theme for our church’s strategy of…

  • Taking every possible opportunity to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the lost.
  • Taking every possible opportunity to invite someone to church
  • Living a Christian life that shines the Light of Christ and supports church evangelism
  • We believe God wants us to help those in need. At Jesus Love Temple YOU are important!

 What We Do At Jesus Love Temple…

  • GROW – Prayer, study, gatherings, and activities
  • SHARE – Prayer requests, testimonies, and words of encouragement
  • LOVE – Sharing the good news with our family, friends, and the world
  • SERVE – Help us serve our community and our world
  • GIVE – Offerings, contributions, and charitable donations