Do you sometimes struggle with your prayer life? At times, I certainly have. As we listen to ourselves pray, we may hear ourselves praying like unbelievers. We may well find ourselves praying angry prayers, complaining prayers, bargaining prayers, and accusing prayers. Just read Lamentations 3. The book of Lamentations expresses the humiliation, suffering, and despair of Jerusalem and her people following the destruction of the city by the Babylonians in 587 BCE. Remember the words of John Bunyan, “In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than a word without a heart.” One of the bigger struggles is in perfunctory prayer. These changes will help your prayer life become more meaningful and less perfunctory.
Know To Whom You Are Speaking
Prayer is a conversation with God, and every conversation begins by addressing the person to whom you are speaking by name. Jesus begins with “Our Father in Heaven.” He focuses on a distinct person — the Heavenly Father with whom he has a personal relationship. We share the same right to call God “Father,” and there are times when we need to talk with our Abba Father or Daddy God. But God is three distinct persons in One: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I find it helpful in my prayer times to focus on which of the Holy Trinity I need to talk to. Often, I talk to Jesus, the friend who is closer than a brother and the Savior of my soul. Other times I cry out to the Holy Spirit, who fills and empowers me to do the tasks Father God has called me to do. Having a distinct sense of whom I am speaking to helps me formulate what I want to say and how I want to say it.
If Someone Asks You To Pray For Them, Really Pray For Them
I’ve been convicted of making empty statements — these are the words I say to make a conversation a little more comfortable in the moment. But do I really mean what I say? I have been guilty of making empty statements. Without a plan to actually keep that promise, do I really intend to keep it? Dear Lord, thank You for convicting me about using empty statements.
- Ask Jesus to tell you what to pray for them.
- Let the Lord know that you’re available to be the answer to the prayer(s) you’re praying for people.
- Let the people know you’re praying for them and ask if there’s anything they would like you to pray for.
Ask For Forgiveness
If you feel your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, take some time to check your heart. If I hint in any way that I am some super saint with an unmatched prayer life, I am lying. I struggle with prayer. I want to struggle less. I usually start with the acronym ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication). However, I am going to forget the acronym and start now with confession and ask for forgiveness. But what should we do after we fail and let people down? In the Bible, there is a theme of forgiveness—both asking for it and giving it. Asking for forgiveness from God and others if we have wronged them is important. Not only does it show repentance and obedience, but it also shows a witness for Christ. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9, NIV
The most important key to a vibrant prayer life is to understand our spiritual authority in Christ as explained in the Scriptures.
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Evangelismania – We are a lively church focused on spreading the Gospel message into the entire world! Evangelismania was a term given to Pastor Shockley by God. It is a theme for our church’s strategy of…
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- We believe God wants us to help those in need. At Jesus Love Temple YOU are important!
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